
Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year Greetings from Rhema House - 1st Jan 2013

With thanksgiving in our hearts, appreciation and rejoicing in our soul, and great expectations for a glorious year of much accomplishment, we welcome you to Year 2013.
Today is really a Day of thankfulness and thanksgiving. I want to thank God on your behalf and also to thank you for being a part of this blog. Your feedback and the fact that you allow us to be a blessing to you and your household in the last year is indeed a delight.
From all of us, we just want to say thank you so much for sharing 2012 with me. Let's take charge together in 2013.
I do not intend to write much today because it is indeed a day for family and to be quiet and calm in His wonderful presence. Notwithstanding, I will just want to share some inspirations from the Almighty for the New Year.

This is a fresh and unique opportunity for you to actualize God's plans for your life. You know that a plan is nothing until someone actualises it. Jer 29; 11 says God had great plans and thoughts for you; He will bring you to your future and expected destination. However, be it as it may, God will bring you only to the EXPECTED END that you allow Him to bring you too. If you will let him, if you will look closely at His plans for you, then, you can begin to actualize your dreams. In 2013, He wants to be your strength, will you surrender to Him and let Him lead the way?
It doesn't in any way say 'become lazy'. The gist is that the race of the swift without God will often end in ultimate calamity while the labours of the righteous (the one who trust in God absolutely) always bring forth plenty. I see the God of increase and abundance working his mighty power in you.
Also note, that with our God, there is no vacancy for impossibility. And because the baby of a Lion resembles the Lion and Lion only, this year, I decree in your life, no vacancy for im-possibilities. This year, you operate at the realm of I'm Possible and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Arise, walk tall and high in your High places and do have a fabulous new year. For you and your household, celebration cometh this year.
Welcome to your year of signs, wonders, exploits and excellence. Certainly, this is the year of your celebration and purposeful upliftment.
Shalom and Blessings. Happy New Year.

From the Desk of
Pastor in the House

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