
Wednesday 29 April 2020

April 2020 Special Digging Deep Service with Pastor J F Odesola

Ministering: PASTOR J. F. Odesola
TEXT: ISAIAH 1:18-20,JOB 36:11, PROVERBS 3:5-6.
Isaiah 1:18-20
18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.
Job 36:11
11 If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
Proverbs 3:5-6 
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
The three passages are talking about TRUST, OBEDIENCE, and WILLINGNESS
It means to comply with or follow commands/instructions. To submit or confirm in action to principle. To agree with someone, with authority.
Obedience is an essential ingredient when walking with God.
Abraham obeyed the call of God - Heb. 11:8.
Obedience is an act of faith. Romans. 1:5.
Obedience is a choice. 
There will always be crisis but obedience to the word of God will see you through. Remember the hymn - "Trust and Obey".
Many people are willing but not obedient : Isaiah 1: 19. You must be willing and obedient.
When you obey, you qualify for prosperity Job. 36:11. Obedience is not enough but willingness.
It is a fallacy to say PRAYER IS A MASTER KEY.
Lazarus the beggar died in poverty.
Abraham died as a wealthy man.
There is prosperity in obedience.
To walk in the covenant, you have to follow the principles. If you don't obey principles, you will suffer ridicule.
God's love are unconditional but God's blessings are conditional.
You must serve Him in obedience. Serve Him in His term,  not your own terms.
1. Obedience is a proof of your love to God.
Obedience is an act of worship. 1Jn. 5:2-3.
2. Obedience is the key to God's blessings.
Every time God wants to bless His people, He gives them instructions, and when they follow it they get blessed. John. 2:1-11, 
Luke. 17:12-19; then ten lepers were healed  because they obey instruction. You must obey for your miracle to come.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14: You need to be obedient for you to enjoy the blessings.
Verse 15 says the opposite, if you disobey
Doorway to blessing is obedience. The doorway to poverty is disobedience.
3. God rewards obedience: Gen. 22:18; Luke.11:28; James 1:22-25.
4. Obedience to God demonstrates faith.
That is how we can be sure that we know Him. Otherwise, we are liars. John. 2:3-6.
5. Obedience is critical in walking with God.
Obedience and faith is very critical in walking with God. 
1. Partial obedience.1 Sam. 15:3-20.
Partial obedience is disobedience.
Saul obeyed the Lord partially. 1 Sam. 15:22.
2. Adjusted obedience: Many make adjustment to instructions -1 Kings13:2-32
3. Incomplete obedience: Acts 5:1-10
Ananias and Sapphira lie after selling their land
4. Delayed obedience: 
Many want God to come to their term, but they don't want to be in His term.
Ex. 22:29: You must not delay your obedience.
1. Disobedience shows misplaced fear. 
It puts the fear of man ahead of the fear of God.
2. It shows misplaced pleasure.
3. It shows that you have a spirit of divination.
4. It consults the wisdom of God. It sets more value on the dictates of self instead of God.
1. Power of Self: You must disobey yourself because it does not want to obey God. It wars against God.
2. The devil: How does the devil do that.?
He introduces fear, doubt in other to stop you from obeying God.
3. Wrong counsel: 
Prov.13:20: He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Anyone that is not adding to you, are diminishing your life.
Isaiah. 26:3: those that obey God will have peace.
If you obey God, you will have long life, you're protected, you will have gladness, you will have great peace.
If you obey God there is an assurance of salvation, answers to prayers. And if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the fruit of the land. God knows the best for you and you need to obey Him in all things.
Maybe He ask to do something in the 
 o society or to reach out to somebody and you have not done it, obey God today.
PRAYER: Tell the Lord if you have not born again that He should help you to yield your life an object of sacrifice to Him. 
And those of you that God has been speaking to, maybe He asked you to do certain things, do evangelism, to full time, in something in your community and you have not obey, is high time to obey. 
FINAL PRAYER: Father in heaven we are grateful even for the people that are giving their lives, may the blood of Jesus cleanse them as they yield to Him today.
May the Lord turn your sorrow to joy, failure to success, frustration to manifestation in Jesus' name.
And everyone who has been born again, but in certain area in their lives, they have not be obedient, give them power Lord to obey, and let the name of the Lord in their lives be glorified, and when we shall all finish our race, count us worthy to reign with you, Father we worship and adore you in Jesus' mighty name we pray.

Sunday 26 April 2020

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon April 2020 Special Sunday Service

April 2020 Special Sunday Service 
Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye 
Bible Text: Acts 1:4-8
Topic: Power 
Song: What a mighty God we serve
What a mighty God we serve 
Heaven and earth adore
All the angels bow before Him

Acts 1:4-8 
And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.  When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
After the resurrection, what next? 
Ecclesiastes 7:8 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. Jesus told the disciples that He would send someone who will help them fulfill their destiny. John 16:7
According to Jesus, the Holy Spirit would give the disciples power.
Power is the ability to do work easily and efficiently.
The power that you need to fulfill your destiny without sweat, I decree in the name of the resurrected Christ, receive today!

There are categories of power:

1. Political Power - Ecclesiastes 8:4. Where the word of a king is, there is power.
2. Financial/Material Power - Proverbs 10:15, Ecclesiastes 7:12
3. Spiritual Power - 2 Kings 4:8-17
Spiritual power got what money could not buy.
4. Counterfeit Power - Acts 8:9-24
Power passes power. Exodus 7:8-12
I decree that the Power of the Most High will swallow every counterfeit power arraigned against you in the Name of Jesus.

Why do you need to have the power of the Holy Spirit?

1. To fulfill destiny. Luke 5:1-11, Acts 2:1-41
When the Holy Spirit came on Peter who used to be naive and shy, he won 3,000 souls to God in one day. Galatians 1:15-16. 
Apostle Paul was only able to fulfil his God given destiny when he was baptised in the Spirit. Acts 9:10-20.
I thought my destiny was to become the youngest Vice Chancellor in Africa, but when I got born again, the Holy Spirit redirected me to destiny. The greater the power, the easier it is to reach your goal.
The power of God was manifested in great dimensions in the life of Peter. Acts 3:1-11, Acts 4:4
Peter 2nd sermon, the power was greater; he won 5000 souls. His destiny was fulfilled at an amazing pace. Acts 5:1-16. 
Power can be transferred through conduction to put the power in the medium where it's needed.
Power can be transferred through radiation too. To God's praise, this explains why I can stand on the altar and wave my hands and thousands of handkerchiefs will be anointed for miracles, signs and wonders.
I pray for you today, before the day is out, the power of the Holy Spirit will propel you to the direction of your destiny in Jesus’ name.
I believe the moment God wants you to fulfill your destiny is now. If you are baptized in the Holy Ghost, you already have that power.
Don't mind all those who mock you when you pray in the Holy Spirit. The Bible says you speak mysteries to God when you pray in the Holy Spirit. If you don't use the power, you will lose it!
1. Pray more in the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:26
2. Witness more
3. Lay hands on the sick
4. Use the Power so it can multiply.
For those who haven't received the power of the Holy Spirit; Acts 2:37-39
1. Repent
2. Be baptized (by immersion)
3. Begin to use the power; join the workforce
And watch the Almighty God begin to move you closer to destiny.
In the Name that is above every other name, I pray for you today that the power to fulfill destiny will be released unto you and you will not leave this world regretting that you failed to fulfill destiny.
Altar Call: surrender your life to Christ, please cry to the Almighty God and ask that He save your soul, wash you sins away, write your name in the Book of Life and receive you into His family.
As for the saints, I pray that the Holy Spirit will stir up His power in you and that you will begin to use that power to heal the sick and work miracles. 

Thursday 23 April 2020

April 2020 Special Digging Deep Service with Pastor Joseph Obayemi

April 2020 Special Faith Clinic with Pastor Joseph Obayemi 
Ministering: Pastor Joseph Obayemi
Topic: Standing on the promises of God
Text: Psalm 91:3-10
Father in today's faith clinic single me out for miracle. 
Glorious God,
Beautiful King, 
Excellent God, 
We bow before your your throne.... 
Our God is an all knowing God, He has made provision for every situation of our lives and most especially this period that everyone is terrified by what is happening. 
This is a period to hold on to the promises of God for our lives. 
In respective of your walk with God
In respective of your status
In respective of your maturity 
When we are face with critical situations will begin to ask questions, we begin to recheck if the promises are for us because of the challenges we are passing through at that moment. 
You are not in it alone, you are just being human and that is why God will forever remain God in respective of action or inaction. 
Abraham the father of faith did the same - Genesis 15:3-5, 17:2-18.
Promises of God never grow Old neither did it come late, it is always on time. 
It does not matter what you are thinking, the promises of God for you and I will come to pass. 
Genesis 18:4 - God visited Abraham again. He has learnt his lesson and began to trust in the Lord.
When it gets to Genesis 21 - What Abraham and Sarah thought will be impossibility became a great testimony.
You are next in line to testify
Elijah- 1 Kings 19:12-13 - He thought an end has come to his ministry.
Come out of your cave of Unbelief, Doubt and Fear. 
There are promises for every situation, even in darkest moment. 
David - 2 Samuel 12:1-12
Every judgement of death against you and your family in the kingdom of darkness is by cancel in the name of Jesus.
Psalm 89:3-4 - Even in darkest moment there is a promise.
Standing on God's promises is committed and depend on it.
If you consider your fear instead of your faith, your fear becomes a giant. 
If you consider your faith instead of your fear, your fear becomes a grasshopper. That was what happened in Number 13:30-33.
The one who is promising us is reliable, 
Lets check few of his pedigree. 
Qualities of the he that promised us
1. He has track record integrity of his word - Psalm 33:8-9, Numbers 23:19.
Man is limited, but God is unlimited. 
Man life span is limited. 
2. He has unlimited resources - Haggai 2:8, Psalm 24:1.
3. He has the ability to perform - Jeremiah 32:17, Genesis 18:14.
All you need to do is connect your faith to him - Hebrews 11:6
Area where he has promised us most especially in the situation that we are in, in our personal lives. 
1. There is a divine assurance for protection and provision - Psalm 91:3&8, Genesis 19.
There are 365 fear not in the Bible - Proverbs 3:25-26. Psalm 34:9-10.
Prayer Point:
1. Father, remember your covenant and deliver your children in Jesus name. 
2. Father, as I seek you don't let me lack any good thing in life. 
3. Father, let sickness and diseases be far away from me and my family in Jesus name.
God has promise for our family life
2 Samuel 12:1-14, Psalm 132:11
When God has made a promise is for you to connect to it as he will never turn away from his promises.
Lot - Genesis 19:16.
Prayer Point:
1. Father, every negative prophecy against me and my family, change them today in Jesus name. 
2. Father, single out my family for mercy and favour in Jesus name. 
Is there promise for your Career and Business in situation like this?
Job lost everything - Job 1:13-20
He was restored - Job 42:10-17
God promises for you - Isaiah 65:22-23, Job 22:29.
Prayer Point:
1. Father, whatever that I have lost due to this lockdown, restore double to me in Jesus name. 
2. Father, open my eyes to the next opportunity in Jesus name. 
3. Father, open doors of supernatural breakthrough for my business and career in Jesus name. 
Some Pastors are afraid that what will happen to their church and members - Mathew 16:18.
The gate of hell shall not prevail over our Churches. 
What about Nation - 2 Chronicles 7:14-15.
Altar Call: I John 1:7
Focus on God for manifestation of his promises in your life

Wednesday 22 April 2020

April 2020 Special Digging Deep Service with Pastor J F Odesola

April 2020 Special Digging Deep with Pastor J F Odesola 
Ministering: Pastor J. F Odesola
Topic: Are you afraid
Text: Isaiah 12:2, John 14:1,27
We give you all the glory, we give you honour.....
There is alot of scaring things happening in our world. What that is happening at the moment has create great concern.
The recent pandemic and Economic of the world at stand still. 
It has made so many people to live in uncertainty of the future. 
The most Courageous person has become a vegetable, fear every where you turn. 
Bible has so many answers
In the Bible 
Fear appeared 396 times
Afraid appeared 190 times
Be not afraid appeared 26 times
Definition of Fear/Afraid
Fear is an agitated feeling arouse by awareness of actual threatening danger. 
Is an unease that something may happen sometimes contrary to ones desire.
Is the possibility of something dreaded or unwanted may occur. 
Napoleon: You fear being conquered is sure of defeat.
Top 10 list of Fear
1. Fear of public speaking
2. Fear of death
3. Fear of terrorist attack
4. Fear of snakes
5. Fear of spiders and insects
6. Fear of heights
7. Fear of flying
8. Fear of Confined places
9. Fear of open places
10. Fear of Thunder and lightning
No matter how strong or Courageous anyone may be, when the inevitable happens they seems to be vegetable. 
But God promised us in the text we read in John 14:1 - Let not your heart be troubled.
There are two basic fear born with every human being at the point of birth
1. The fear of loud noises
2. The fear of falling
I will approach the lecture in 5 or 6 major ways depending on how long time will permit me.
1. Concepts of fear
2. Falancies of why people are afraid
3. Unhealthy fear
4. Healthy fear
5. Adverse effect of fear
6. How to overcome fear
1. Concepts of fear
Fear is an illusion non existence in the physical world. It is never tangible or visible but it exist in our minds and manifest in our actions.
- We bring fear to live many times without need.
- Fear plays a vital role in our lives, we will live a reckless abandoned life if we know not notion of fear. 
- Fear produces stagnacy because it causes us to battle against ourselves. 
- Rational part of our brain war against agitated emotions. 
2. Falancies of why people are afraid
At the end of this pandemic another will come, as far as you are in this world fear will still come. 
End of a battle is the beginning of another - John 16:33.
- Control: is a falancy - Mathew 6:27
Everyone want to have control.
Problems has only two solutions 
1. Problems you are able to solve 
2. Problems you cannot solve, you change your perspective about it and do the needful. 
You have never be in control and you will never be in control. Every thing you do in life is interdependent and inter related.
- Destination is falancy - Life is a journey, enjoy the destination you are in. Don't wait until you get to the next position. Enjoy where you are as no place as a destination, even when you rest in peace a new journey starts. 
Enjoy the journey of your life and where you are - 2 Corinthians 5:7, Proverbs 3:5, Jeremiah 17:5,7, Proverbs 18:10.
- Falancy of "I will have enough one day" - You can never have enough.
Ask Bill Gate and others why they are still working. 
Cultivate the act of Thanksgiving - Romans 8:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
3. Healthy Fear
- Referencial fear (Holy fear) - Psalm 19:9, Proverbs 1:7, Psalm 2:11, Proverbs 16:6, 14:26, 23:7, 14:27, Psalm 111:10.
This is referencial fear that you need to have for God.
It will make you run away from sin
It wiill give you obligation to worship your maker. 
- Constitutional Fear
- Fear of dangerous situations i.e crossing the road, falling from high places.
- Fear of being punished (Basis for discipline. 
4. Unhealthy Fear: - Like the one we have now as if  the world is coming to an end. 
- Fear paralysis people 
- Fear Confused people
-Fear has torment
- Fear has no respect for anyone. 
5. Adverse effect of Fear
Fear challenges your training 
Fear challenges your temperament 
1. Fear make raged experience and debase personalities - 1 Samuel 28 (Saul)
2. Fear will prevent one from doing the will of God - Exodus 3 (Moses) 
3. Fear render one useless. 
Fear generates unfaithfulness towards God - There is no place in the kingdom for those who are fearful. 
4. Fear bring on the very thing we fear. 
Fear contest people trust in God
Fear bring illness 
5. Fear causes one to be lost - Revelation 21:8.
Fear can make people to do the unthinkable things. 
6. How to overcome fear
1. Recognise God is with you - Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 118:6
2. Have faith and trust in God - Isaiah 26:3, Psalm 56:3-4
3. Never take counsel from your fear - Phillipians 4:6-7.
Develope the attitude of gratitude, when you are grateful, you will be great. 
This particular time around, you have nothing to be afraid of - Jesus has promised "I  will be with you" - Mathew 28:20, Isaiah 41:10, 43:1-3.
Altar Call: Surrender your life to him - Mathew 11:28.
Prayer point
Lord, I Surrender my fear to you, I cast my burden to you. 

Sunday 19 April 2020

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon April 2020 Special Sunday Service - Joy Cometh

April 2020 Special Sunday Service with Pastor E A Adeboye 
Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye 
Text: psalms 30:1-5
Topic: Joy cometh
Song: We give all the glory to Jesus
And tell of His love
His wonderful love, we give all the
Glory to Jesus and tell of His wonderful love

Announcement 📢: We bless the name of the Lord for another Sunday. Please continue to pray for His mercy. I bring good news to you, the return journey to normalcy have begin so that pastors can return to their duty post. The return journey to normalcy will be steady. I humbly suggest, in future they will include in their committee men of God, the imams and arch bishop so that they can help them in the warfare. We need to return all the glory to God because we don't want the victories we have won so far to be reversed. We don't want a relapse of this scourge. May I remind you, this corona virus will receded, let nobody deceive you, it is not going to disappear. Let hive all glory back to God so that He will give us a permanent victory.
In all our churches, prayer warriors have been praying for mercy. Please don't stop praying for mercy for Nigeria. We really need to pray about fire outbreak because we don't want the big one to come to pass. Pray against storms. Be sure in my own little corner, am talking to God and He will have mercy on us.

Apart from the fact that easter signifies a new beginning, one of the biggest message we get from Easter is that Joy is coming. I want to decree to all of you listening to me today,  that joy will come speedily. Amen.

Joy is coming because after every night, there will be a day.

1. Physically: We’re saying to the sick, death does not have the last say, Jesus has the last day. John 11:39-45
Sickness does not have the last say.
Mark 5:25-34
Prayer Point: In the Name of the One who rose from the dead, you will be healed.
Prayer Point: In the Name of the One who is stronger than death, you will be made whole.

2. Materially: Poverty doesn’t have the last say.
Genesis 17:1 
God can turn your last to your beginning.
1 Kings 17:8-16, 2 Kings 4:1-7
As a result of this lockdown, your fortune is about to change. John 6:5-13
The lunch of a boy fed a crowd of 5000 men and there were still 12 baskets left.
Our God is the all sufficient one.
Prayer Point: By the time this lockdown is over, your level will change. 

3. Spiritually: Darkness does not have the last say, light has the last say. Genesis 1:1-3, John 1:4-5
It doesn’t matter how great the forces of darkness are against you, the light will give you victory.

4. Maritally: Barrenness does not have the last say. John 1:1-3
God has the last say about your fruitfulness. Genesis 1:28, Genesis 18:9-14.
I have good news for those trusting God for the fruit of the womb, before this lockdown is over, many barren will be fruitful. As you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, your morning of joy will begin.

Prayer Point: Father, let my own morning of joy begin now.

Saturday 18 April 2020

April 2020 Workers and Ministers Conference With Pastor E A Adeboye

April 2020 Workers and Ministers Conference With Pastor E A Adeboye 
Day Two: Living the Anointed Life
Text:  Romans 8:37
Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye 
Holy! Holy Holy Holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy! Holy Holy Holy
Holy is the Lord

Mighty! Mighty Mighty Mighty
Mighty is the Lord
Mighty! Mighty Mighty Mighty
Mighty is the Lord

Jesus is the Lord
Jesus! Jesus , Jesus, Jesus
Jesus is the Lord
Jesus! Jesus, Jesus ,Jesus
Jesus is the Lord

When you are anointed, you are not just an ordinary champion, You are a divine champion. You are a divine champion because the anointing of the most high is operating in your life.
There are different categories of Anointing.
Elijah had great anointing. 2 Kings 1:9-12
Elisha desired an even greater Anointing. 2 Kings 2:9-15
A king sent an army to arrest a man of God, but the man of God arrested them all by virtue of the Anointing. 2 Kings 6:8-23
You are a divine champion because the Greater One is your Ally and He is dwelling in you. 1 John 4:4
As a divine champion,  you don't have to worry about witches and enemies. Isaiah 54:15-17, Deuteronomy 28:7; for you become practically impregnable when you have the Anointing of God. However, you cannot have these privileges without challenges.

The biggest challenge is that you are nothing without your Ally. Anointing makes you more than conqueror, because there is a greater ally in you, 1 John 5:4. Mark 16:17. When you have this kind of anointing, you don't bother about demon.
2 Kings 6;8-23, A man of God arresting those that were sent to arrest him, that is the kind of anointing we are talking about. Isaiah 54:16-17, 15, Deut.28:7.
You get into trouble when He departs from you. Judges 16:4-21

Why God can depart from you
1. If you are not faithful. John 15:1-7
2. If you are lukewarm. Revelation 3:15-16
3. If you are lying. Revelation 21:8
The Almighty God cannot be an Ally to a liar. Psalm 101:7
Gehazi lied to Naaman and then to Elisha and suffered a grievous fate. 2 Kings 5:20-27
Consider the New Testament example of Ananias and Sapphira. Acts 5:1-7
Why does God despise lying so much?
It is one thing that differentiates God from the devil - truth as against lies. Numbers 23:19, John 14:6. 
How do you know a child of God? When he tells the truth at all times because lies keep God away.
A child of God tells the truth at all times while a child of the devil tell lies always. Lies no matter how little will cause the Almighty God to stay away. 
Lying has a family and the brother of lying is hypocrisy. 1 Timothy 4:1-2, Job 8:13, Job 15:34
The sister of lying is flattery otherwise known as exaggeration. Proverbs 26:28
The end of a flatterer is destruction for he and his children. Job 32:22, Psalm 12:3
Why are there so many issues with the mouth? 
For it is with the mouth that you lie, that you do hypocritical things, flatter and exaggerate. Proverbs 18:21, 2 kings 2:19-22, 2 kings 2:23-24. Can you imagine a liar trying to cast out demons? The demons will reply such that they are all children of the same father- the devil. As a child of God, you can with your mouth turn curses to blessing. 
Use your tongue to heal not to kill
Use your anointed tongue to win souls
Use your tongue to cast out demon, to command the lame to work. Stop lying, stop hypocrisy, stop exaggeration, sing praising to God, pray without ceasing. If you don't have anything to do or say, be quiet. Don't misuse your tongue so that the Almighty God will jot depart from you. Psalm 141:3
Lord the next time I want to lie, shut my mouth, don't let me lie.
Ask God for mercy for all the lies you have lied in the past. Pray to Almighty God never again to exaggerate, never again to flatter and pray in the spirit.

Friday 17 April 2020

April 2020 Workers & Ministers Conference With Pastor E A Adeboye

April 2020 Workers and Ministers Conference
Day One 
Ministering: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Theme: Anointing 
Text: Mark 16:15-20
Sing along:
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah the Man of war
His mercies endureth forever and ever
O praise His Holy name.
Opening Prayer: Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end, the God of Redeemed Christian Church of God 
We bless your holy name for the church, for every members of this church, the present and those are yet to become members, we bless your Holy name specially for your workers those that had please you in your infinite mercy to bring into your vineyard to lift up the hands of your pastors, we bless your Holy name for the pastors themselves, the deacons and deaconess and we ask Lord God Almighty that on behalf of everyone of us from the youngest to the oldest, from the highest even to the smallest that you please accept our thanks in the mighty name of Jesus. We praying Lord God almighty that through this medium you will reach out to all your workers and ministers and you will meet all their need. I pray Lord God Almighty that in the home of all these very special people there will always be shouts of joy. 
Definition of Anointing: Anointing is the power or ability released from God to man to perform miracles, signs and wonders 
Anointing flows like a river.
A river flows from the top to the bottom. I am believing God that before this session is over the Anointing of God will be flowing mighty in your life in Jesus mighty name 
According to Jeremiah 32:27 The one who is the God of all flesh with whom nothing is too hard. 
It flows from God the Father to God the Son. Luke 4:16-21, Isaiah 61:1-3
The Son is called Wonderful. Isaiah 9:6
He is able to heal and deliver as a result of the anointing. John 11:39-45
The Anointing flowed from God the Son to the disciples. 
The Anointing flows from the disciples to believers. Mark 16:17-18
The Anointing empowers you to do all things. Mark 9:23
Including moving mountains. Mark 11:22-23
The Anointing should not stop with you as a believer.  It should flow on to others. 
The same Holy Ghost Baptism on the Day of Pentecost is the same Baptism we have as believers. Acts 2:1-4. 
When the Anointing reaches you, put it to work and it will amaze you what can happen. Acts 3:1-8
I want you to know you're the next testimony I will hear  of as you put the Anointing to use.

What can stop the flow of the Anointing:

1. Doubt - Mark 11:23: Will you believe the devil who is a liar or choose to trust your Heavenly Father who speaks and it is done?
2. Wavering - James 1:5-8: Don't waver between two standpoints. If God can use a University lecturer or a fisherman, He can use anybody. 
3. Sìn - Isaiah 59:1-2: The power of God is mighty and He is ready to use you but you must stay away from sin. You must be holy. Hebrews 1:9
Story of lady:

I pray that the Blood that cleanses will wash you clean and take away everything that will stand against the Anointing in your life in the Name of Jesus.

How much of the anointing that will
get to you will be determined by:
1. Your Holiness and Your determination to
hate what God hates and love what God loves
2. Stay under authority - Luke 7:1-10: If you stay under authority, you will be able to exercise authority over demons. 
3. Prayer - 1 Thessalonians 5:17: There is only one source of help and that help is from God.
Pray in the Holy Spirit frequently. Romans 8:26-28. 
Praying in the Holy Ghost is like applying for a job and engaging the help of the Son and Family member of the Managing Director of the Company in wiring the application. 
When the Anointing comes, please do not commercialize it. When God begins to use you and the world hears of you, don't  commercialize the Anointing; it is not for sale. Acts 8:13-20
As the Anointing comes upon you now, make sure you use it and use it to the glory of God. 
Any gift that isn't used will be withdrawn. Matthew 25:14-30. As you begin to use the Anointing, it will be multiplied. 
Jesus said 'Come unto me all of you who are thirsty and drink of Me.' How well you're satisfied depends on how long you stay drinking. The Almighty God has placed the River of Anointing before you; how much will you drink?
I'm believing God for someone today as a result of the time you will spend in prayer, the Almighty God will soak you in His Anointing and people will say 'Great is your God'. 
Please make out time to pray immediately after now or later on and my God will answer your prayers.

Special Faith Clinic with National Overseer Pastor J O Obayemi

Special Faith Clinic with National overseer PASTOR J.O. OBAYEMI
Ministering: Pastor J O Obayemi
Topic: He sent forth his word.
Bible Text: Psalm 107:19-20
Opening Prayer: Father, as am in your presence today, visit me in a new way, visit my home, visit my family, visit our nation, visit our situation
Song: In thy word of God there power, in thy name of Jesus every knee shall bow....
He will send his word to you today and deliver you in Jesus name
The first thing they did when they find themselves in trouble and distress:
They didn’t begin to complain nor afraid.
They didn't put themselves into situation of hopelessness knowing fully that they have confidence and trust that there is a word for every situation.
So the cry unto the Lord
There is a word for all seasons and for every stage of our life, and as you cry unto the Lord today, he will answer you and there will a release of your expected miracle in Jesus name. Amen
There is a power behind his word that brings performance - Ecclesiastes 8:4
The word of God is quick and powerful- Hebrews 4:12
The word of God has no limitations, no obstacle can withstand it, when the word is spoken, it begins to perform what is sent for
Prayer Points
Father, by the power of your word I command, frustrate every power that is against my desting and Joy.
By the power of your word, I frustrate every power that is against my vision and dream in Jesus name.
Why is the word so powerful
God has deposited tremendous power in his word - Psalm 138:2
He magnifies his words more than his name
Whatever name situation has given to you, all is subject to the word of God - Mark 5:25
It make nobody to become somebody - Luke 5:10
Allow Jesus to come into the boat of your life
It doesn't make sense to a fisherman to become fisher of men - Acts 2:41
Prayer Points:
1. Father, every problem that has defined my life contrary to your purpose, let it encounter your word and be consume by fire in Jesus name.
2. Father, every situation that has given me a different name, give way to the word of God today in Jesus name
3. Father, by the power of your word turn every impossibilities of my life to possibilities in Jesus name.
4. Father, let your word move me to greater glory in Jesus name.
The word is unchangeable - Luke 21:33
It has power to bring to past what God has promised.
Prayer Points:
1. Father, whatever miracle you have done in the past that I need in my life today, please do it in Jesus name.
2. Father, let all your promises that you have made to me, begin to manifest now in Jesus name.
The word of God is God himself - John 1:1 Numbers 21:8-9, John 3:14-15
Prayer Points:
1. Father, by the power of your word, I command every virus that is biting and ravaging the world today be neutralized in Jesus name.
2. Father, as you lifted Jesus up, lift me up above every arrow of the wicked in Jesus name.
3. Father, as you lifted Jesus up, lift me up beyond my vision and dream in Jesus name.
The word of God is Light - Psalm 119:105,130, Genesis 1:2-3
Prayer Points:
1. Father, where there is confusion, darkness, helplessness, please shine your your light to the situation.
2.Father, You are the father of light, remove every darkness from our lives, our churches and our Nations in Jesus name.
Every problem has ear and can hear - Mark 11:23, 12-14
Every source of your problem will dry away today in Jesus name.
Prayer Points:
Father, I command every mountain (unfruitfulness, sicknesses....) in my life, move now in Jesus name
The word of God that heals, is the same that delivers - Exodus 12:12-29, Revelation 19:13, 12:11
Prayer Points:
1. Father, every evil perpetrating against me, by the blood of Jesus, I cancel them in Jesus name. Make my life a Goshen
What happened when he sent his word
1. The sick gets healing - Mathew 8:5-13
2. The bound are set free - Mathew 8:16, Mark 15
Your days of boundage is over
Mark 15 - Whatever glory you have lost, the power of the word will bring restoration in Jesus name.
3. Troubled soul will have peace - Psalm 85:8
God will remove the virus, but we must begin to fear God
The word itself is a security unto those who believed and put their trust in him - Psalm 18:30
Come back to him Job 4:4
If you need direction and fulfillment - Isaiah 30:12
John 2:4 - 5 - You cannot live in disobedient and expect the word to work for you.
Finally as a warning - Psalm 107:11-12

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Special Digging Deep Service with Pastor J F Odesola

Special Digging Deep Service with Pastor J F Odesola 
Ministering: Pastors J.F Odesola
Topic: Are you offended?
Text: Luke 17:1 Act 24:16, Rom 16:17
Bible Reference: John 14:6; 8:32;
Its impossible that offences will come
We judge issues without details
We criticise others without any thought.
Don't think what you think others are thinking.
Take time to find out the foundation of the matter
Offense: To offend is a verb, to transgress to cause injury, anger, vexation.
Offense is a noun - The state of being offended, a violation of moral and ethical code.
Note: It is possible to offend Intentional or unintentional.
Every christian should be offended by sin because it grieves GOD - John 6:60-71. Prov 18:19. 
Taking offense is a serious problem in the church leading to rebellious activity. - Mathew 18:7.
It is misleading, it is offensive. The spirit behind it is satanic.
Mathew 26:10-16. Judas is carriot picked offense in Jesus statement and hence led to him giving out Jesus.
Romans 16:17. Devil is the source of offense. Mathew 16:23. John 10:10;
Unbrokenness and Pride provoke offense 14:12-15;
Those who take offense
1. They think they know better always
2. They think they are better and ought to be accord better honour.
3. They have insight able appetite for glory.
4. They always covet other peoples things.
5. You can not please them
6. They are selfish and self-centred
7. Their slogan is I, I and Me
Every time you allow offense you are yielding to the devil. 
Major scriptures on offense
1. The world was Cursed for offense Mathew 18:7
2. Satan is an offense Mathew 16:23.
3. Anyone who engineer offense is cursed. Mathew 18:7. 
4. Doing anything with offense is evil. Romans 14:20
5. Give no room to offense - 1 Corinthians 10:32.
6. Avoid those who cause offense - Romans 16:17.
7. Work towards a free conscience of offence. Acts 24:16.
8 Live without offense Philippians 1:10
9. Those who commit it have no place in the kingdom of God - Mathew 13:41, John 1:1
10. It is a blessing not to offend the Lord - Mathew 11:6.
Why people are offended?
1. When something expected never happened. Mathew 11:1-6. John 1:29, 36, 11:11.
John the baptised picked offense in Jesus
2. When the unexpected happened - Mathew 16:23.
Peter took offense and went back fishing.
1. When people feel not appreciated
2. When you expect being introduced in a way and it didn't happen.
3. When one has a  misconception on a matter
4. When a person felt he or she should handle an assignment.
5. Reaction to correction
6. Feeling bad that your suggestion was not used. 
7. Feeling bad that sole decisions were taken without being consulted
8. Feeling uncomfortable that one has not being allowed to use one’s talent
9. Transfers - when one is transferred
10. Listening to disloyal ones
11.Believing unconfirmed rumours
12. Sitting arrangements
13.Reading ungodly meaning to messages
14. Getting angry that ones spouse is not well treated.
Dangers of Offense Leads to;
1. It will lead one to spiritual error. 2 kings 5:20.
2. Lead you to say things we shouldn't have to say. 1sam 15:4. 2 kings 5:20. James 3:5.
3. It will lead one to seek association with wrong people. Mark 14:6-10; mathew 26:14-15
4. Caused one to abandon God's divine program. 2 Kings5:21
5. Cause one to loose privileges.
6. When not dealt with it can give birth to strange and deadly disease. 2 King 5:27
7. Allows one to move ahead of GOD and miss ones destiny. Gehazzi - 2 Kings 5:21
Solution to offense 
1.  Instruct yourself and take time not to fall. Proverb 27:23
2.  Pray against spirit of offense - 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
3.  Resist temptation of offence - Mathew 6:14-15
4. Find out the truth and encourage others to do so. John 8:32.
5. Call the attention of those living in offense - Mathew 18:15-17
6 Dont be in a hurry to carry out assignment you have not neen called to do - 2 Corinthians 15:31
7. Pray for spirit of  descernment
Benefits of not feeling offended
1. Freedom in christ
2. Experience openness in relationship
3. Growth
4. Close door to satan
5. Good health all round Acts 24:16

Sunday 12 April 2020

Easter Sunday Service with Pastor E A Adeboye

Special Easter Sunday Service 
Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Bible Text: Matthew 28:1-7
Theme: He is Alive (A New Beginning)
He's alive Amen
He's alive
Jesus is alive
Forever He's alive Amen
He's my King Amen
He's my King
Jesus is my King
Forever He's King Amen.
Between every two days, there is a night. Day here signifies a period. It could be months or years.

Case Study - Job
His very first day - Job 1:1-3.
When his night came, it lasted for nine months - Job 1:13-22, 2:10
After the night in Job's life came the second day (Morning) Job 42:10-17 - The second day lasted 140 years while his night lasted 9 months.

The first day of Jesus came when He was born (Lasted thirty three and half years). Luke 2:8-14

1. Miracles followed - John 2:1-11
2. Healing followed - Mathew 8:1-3
3. Deliverance followed - Mark  5:2-20
4. Joy. Luke 7:11-15
And then came His night (lasted 3-day)

1. The sun refused to Shine - there is total darkness - Mathew 27:45
2. His disciples abandoned Him (loneliness) - Matthew 26:56
3. His closest friends denied him with a swear - Mathew 26:69-74
4. There was sorrow all over the land - Mathew 26:75.
5. And there is fear that led to a lockdown. John 20:19
Anyone of you in a night situation, the night will end today

His night lasted only 3 day

Day 2. Matthew 28:1-7

1. There was a great earthquake to signify to His followers that all yokes had been broken. Acts 16:25-26
2. An angelic visitation (An angel is enough to take out over 100,000 men. 2 Kings 19:35)
3. The angel rolled away the stone and sat on it to signify permanent victory -  John 11:39-45
4. The angel sat on the stone to signify total victory. 
Every door God will open unto you will remain permanently opened
5. The Guards were paralyzed - 1 Samuel 17:45-51
6. Angel announced to genuine seekers that Jesus is alive forevermore! Revelation 1:18
I want to bring good news to someone; I want to tell you my God is not dead. He is alive and in control
I want to advise that we should remain on guard. Don't be anxious, but be watchful
Colossians 1:27 - You have a glorious tomorrow
Beloved Children, see yourself: 
1. Healing the lames - Acts 3:1-8. 
2. Casting out demons and they will obey you. Acts 16:16-18. 
3. Working special miracles. Acts 19:11-12
Psalm 30:5 From this resurrection Sunday morning in the name that is above every other names, it will be joy for you
In conclusion, a sinner can prevent his morning - John 3:18-21. 
Come into the day and your own resurrection will dawn. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Altar Call: If you reject the offer of the Lord Jesus, you can only be headed for hell.
Bow your head and cry to the Lord and ask Him to save your soul. Ask that this resurrection morning might be your own new day.
Announcement: Due to the lockdown, we cannot hold our usual Ministers/Workers' Conference, there will be special recordings to be aired on Dove Media on friday and Saturday.
Please don't miss it.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Special Digging Deep Service with Pastor J. F. Odesola

Special Digging Deep Service 
Ministering: Pastor J. F Odesola
Theme: Why Worry?
Text: Matthew 6:25 - 34
Worry is the worst way of dealing with the weather of life
Bible References: Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Peter 5:7, Mathew 11:28
Different kinds worries:
1. Worrying about the past - Mathew 6:27, Isaiah 55:6-7
2. Worrying about thing that will inevitably happen i.e worrying about how your children will get married - Heb. 13:4, Gen. 2:24
Worrying about dying or growing old - Hebrews 9:27
3. Worrying about things that will never happen.
Why you must not worry:
1. The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of the life - Mathew 6:25, Genesis 1:26-28
2. Worrying about the future, amper your efforts today - Mathew 6:26
3. Worrying is more harmful than helpful - Mathew 6:27. Fear kills more the problem itself
4. God doesn't ignore those who depend on him - Mathew 6:28-30
5. Worrying shows lack of faith and understanding of God - Mathew 6:31-32
6. Worrying keeps you from focusing on what God wants you to pursue - Mathew 6:33
7. Living one day at a time, keeps us from being consume by worrying - Mathew 6:34

How do I overcome worry:
1. Make up your mind that you are going to conquer.
2. Form right relationship with God - Philippians 4:7
3. Develop the right attitude of mind: count your blessings and not the woes
4. Do what you can do and turn the rest to God - Isaiah 26:3, Romans 8:28
5. Live one day at a time - Mathew 6:34
6. Engage in purposeful work - Genesis 2:15
7. Refocus your faith - Mathew 6:31-34
Reset your priorities
Restrict your thoughts - Jeremiah 17:7-8
Hebrews 11:1,6. 10:38, Habakkuk 2:4, Philippians 4:6-7

Sunday 5 April 2020

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon April 2020 Thanksgiving Service

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon at
April 2020 Thanksgiving Service
Theme: Let There Be Peace
Text: Philippians 4:4-7
Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye
Sing: Jesus, Jesus is the Lamb that was slain Glory Hallelujah Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah Glory Hallelujah.

Categories of Peace:
1. Absence of peace
2. Ordinary peace
3. Great peace
4. All-round peace
5. Peace like a river
6. Peace that passeth all understanding.
He is our Peace. Hebrews 13:20 
Jesus is our Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
The angels heralded His coming as "Peace on earth" He gave us His peace while leaving the earth. John 14:27. If you don't have the Prince of Peace, you won't know the meaning of peace. If you bring your children up in the way of the Lord, your children will enjoy great peace. Genesis 18:17-19, 22:1-18. 
Another type of peace is Multiplied Peace: Daniel 4:1, 6:25
The royal greeting of old times is 'Peace be multiplied unto you'. If you already have peace, I pray today that your peace will be multiplied.
You won't have to worry about material things because He is your Peace materially. Psalm 92:12-15, Philippians 4:19
You can enjoy peace spiritually
 The madman of Gadarene got peace spiritually when he met Jesus. Mark 5:2-20, 1 Kings 4:24
Solomon enjoyed all round peace. 1 Chronicles 22:9
Not a single war was recorded in his reign in a time when kings went to war yearly.
Then there is peace like a river. 
Isaiah 48:18 
Isaiah 66:12-14 Compares this peace to that which a baby enjoys when his mother picks him up to feed him after crying for a long time.
Paul and Silas had this peace which is why they were singing and praising God in prison. Acts 16:16-34
This peace comes when God has spoken to you beforehand. Acts 16:9-10
I'm decreeing to all my children; the Almighty God will give you hearing ears.
When you have hearing ears, no matter what is going on around, you will have peace like a river.
When you hear from God, what mockers say will no longer move you. 
Your confidence in God will be immovable. The greatest is Peace that passeth all understanding. Philippians 4:7
Usually, this peace is based on past experiences. For example, Peter was fast asleep even though he was going to be killed the next morning; the angel had to wake him up to deliver him. Acts 12:5-11
Based on his experience in Acts 5:17-25, Peter was not worried.
He knew the God he serves holds the Key of David. When He shuts, none can open. When He opens, none can shut. Revelations 3:7-8. If you have experienced this God before especially in a storm, then you can have peace that passeth all understanding. If He has done it before, He will do it again. I'm telling you my children, relax, all is going to be well. What you should do is praise God.
Altar Call: There is no peace for the wicked. You cannot claim God's peace when you're not His child. Isaiah 48:22
However, if you come to Him today, you will begin to enjoy peace. Matthew 11:28-30. Where you are in your various homes, I encourage you to give your life to Christ if you haven't done so. Go before God and ask Him for mercy. Tell Him you want to be a part of His family.
After doing so, please get your details across to any of our parishes so that they can forward to me so I can pray for you.
God bless you.

Friday 3 April 2020

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon April 2020 Holy Ghost Service - #LetThereBeLight4

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon at
April 2020 Holy Ghost Service 
Theme: Let There Be Light 4
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-3, Matthew 12:34
Ministering: Pastor Ẹ. A. Adeboye. 
What Divine Priorities means. The first time God spoke to man; Genesis 1:24. He said “Be blessed”.
1. Be Blessed: That was his first statement to man and when God blesses, no one can curse. In the mighty name of Jesus, Be blessed!
2. He said be fruitful that means barrenness isn’t in your portion.
I decree in the name of Jesus Christ be fruitful.
3. He said be multiplied. Therefore I decree in the name of Jesus Christ begin to multiply in everything that is glorious.
4. God went on to say “Be Dominant”. I’m saying to all my children, whatever may be your career, you will prosper. 
Your name is the most important thing about you and the first time God introduced himself to man is found in: 
1. The Almighty: Genesis 17:1. The Almighty means the one who has all might. Psalms 62:11, Luke 1:37. I hearby decree that everything considered impossible in your life shall become possible In Jesus name. 
2. The name El-shaddai means the one who is all sufficient. Psalms 68:19. God is the one who has so much that he can load everyone with blessings. 
I’m praying that the loads of blessings that he has in store for you shall be released unto you tonight. Whatever blessings you’ve received from God until this moment, receive double in Jesus mighty name. God is inexhaustible. Ephesians 3:20. I’m praying that when it’s time to pray tonight, you won’t ask God for small things because no matter how big it is, He has and can do more than enough. Ask Him for your biggest request and tonight in the name above every other names, he will grant you your request. 
3. God introduced himself to man is found in: Gen 18:1-14, Psalms 50:9-13, Judges 6:17-21.
Genesis 18-1-14.
1. All the prophecies that God made to Abraham was fulfilled in one day. Numbers 23:19, Ecclesiastics 3:1, Pslams 115:3. Every prophecy he had given became a decree.
All the prophecies you’ve received From the Lord will become a decree in Jesus name. I decree today that everything you need to make your joy full, you will receive tonight in Jesus name.
The prophecies God made became decrees the moment he ate in Abraham’s tent. John 2:1-11Before the sun rises, everything that is “Not yet” in your life will become “Now” in Jesus name. How mighty is He? Matthew 3:9 He is so mighty that he can reverse the irreversible. Romans 4:16-19, John 11:39-45. In the Name that is above every other name, that irreversible will become reversed. In the name above every other name, you mouth will be filled with laughter in Jesus name. Psalms 126:1-3. 
I decree, from now on, in your homes there will always be laughter In Jesus name. God is unchangeable. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
His initial wish for you is to be blessed and he has not changed his mind. He hasn’t changed his words in Ezekiel 18:4. He only made provision for you to escape the death that sin can bring by sending His son Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23. Don’t joke with God, he is the Almighty. He is a very good friend but a very dangerous enemy.
Altar Call: If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, just bow your head wherever you are and ask him to please save your souls. Tell him you will serve for the rest of our life. Lord I thank you for your word, I ask Lord that all those who are surrendering their lives to you now, please accept them, write their names in the book of life and add them to the family of Christ. 
Prayer Points:
1. Thank the Almighty God for his preservation and mercy
2. Father, that original blessing that you pronounced in Adam & Eve please pronounce it afresh on me and my family today.
3. Jehovah El-Shaddai prove yourself in my life and in my family that you’re more than sufficient, no matter how big our requests might be tonight. Do more than we can ever ask for.
4. Father you’re welcome in my home, please come and dine with us.
5. Every prophecy that you’ve directed in my direction, turn it to a decree tonight. Let it be done this very night. 
6. From now on my Father, let it be joy and laughter all the days of my life.
7. Individual Requests to God.
Father, thank you for your love. I ask that the original blessings that you released upon Adam and Eve, please release on your children. Let your children be fruitful, let them multiply. Let them serve you with gladness and tonight visit all of us, from this moment on whenever with sit to eat, please come and dine with us in Jesus name. Lord we ask that you receive this offering as a token that you are welcome to dine with us at all times. I pray that none of these your children will ever lack again. Daddy I ask that you lay hands on all your children, please give them their miracles in Jesus name.