Topic: It's a New Year - Speak Out, Take Charge
Welcome to Year 2013 once again. The Lord who brought you in did so for a reason and a purpose. Certainly, because He has you in His plans for Year 2013. God having us in His plans is one thing; aligning ourselves and actualizing the plans is something else.
To maximise the opportunities that this year present to us, we have to take charge. Beloved, there are things that God will do a man and surely things that a man will do for self.
God will give you the vision but execution is in your hands. A farmer who only prays for success all through the year without going out to acquire land for the real cultivation will harvest the wind at the end of the year.
Remember the story of David when Goliath threatened the army of the most high God.
1 Sam 17: 23 - David heard the words of Goliath but unlike the rest of the army of Israel who were afraid, David had an Holy anger. Why was David different from the others? It was because He knew the God that he served. They that know their God shall be strong (in the midst of opposition or attacks), and do exploits. Dan 11: 32b.
Wake up bro, notice that Goliath had been coming out daily to harass the army of Israel for forty (40) days. 1 Sam 17: 16. Never assumed that because you have entered into Year 2013, the Goliath of Year 2012 died with year 2012. Oh yes, I know we prayed and rained down fire and brimstone upon the Goliaths and they are dead in the realm of the spirit, but you still have to take charge and finish up the Goliaths physically. You ve got to bind up, break down, root out the strong man that says you will not fulfil destiny.
This year you have to Stand Out!
Prepare your mind to Take charge!
Ensure you Speak Up for what you believe!!!
David on hearing the words of Goliath reacted immediately. This year, deal with procrastination - its not only a thief of time, its a thief of destiny.
David finished Up Goliath - He used the sword of Goliath to cut off the head of Goliath.
I Sam 17: 50 'So, David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. Though the record said David had PREVAILED and KILLED Goliath, yet David had to kill Goliath again.
I Sam 17: 51 - therefore, David ran and stood over the Philistine, took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and KILLED him, and cut off his head with it.
Now, I need to emphasize this - in vs 50, David prevailed and killed.
In vs 51 - David killed and cut off.
Beloved, you just must Take charge (with God's Guidance) from start to finish. Don't become complacent at the finish line and mess up all the labours of the past. Unfortunately last year, a few of us were complacent. This is a new year. Let's learn from the mistake of last year.
Finally, Ex 14: 15 'And the Lord said to Moses, why do you cry to me. Tell the children of Israel to go forward.
Its your Time to go forward. In this year of signs and wonders, Go forward, take charge and possess your possessions.
Shalom and Blessings.
From the Desk of
Pastor in the House
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