
Friday 4 January 2013

Rhema in Due Season (RiDs) - Friday, 4th Jan 2013

Topic: Your Season of Signs and Wonders
I bless the Lord God for what we are about to look at this morning. Knowing that our God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the one who was, who is and who is to come, gives us insight into the wealth of God's unlimited ability and resources that transverse time and season. The import of the above becomes more potent when we consider the fact that with our God 'there's no vacancy for impossibility' for with God, all things are possible.
It is in the light of 'with God all things are possible' that I would like us to meditate on the central focus of God for year 2013.
Isa 8: 18 'Here am I, and the children whom the Lord has given me. We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion'. Looking closely at the above, 3 things are inevitable this year:

1. The Lord (the Head of the Church) has declared a Season of signs of wonders. It is now left for all the other Heads - head of churches; of institutitions; of businesses, of families etc to align with the heavenly declaration and appropriate the benefits of the season in their area of influence.
2. The blessings is for as many who will align or come under the covering of the Lord during this season. That is why the direction of scripture is 'and the children who the Lord has given me'. As many as we come into the Church this year can and will partake of God's signs and wonders. It's a clarion call to make disciples this year. Remember, when Israel were about to depart Egypt, and the passover was instituted, as many strangers who came into the house of Israelites were spared.
3. Our dwelling place this year must be Zion. Zion, the place of His presence; power; favour and glory. We must continuously strive to dwell in Zion this year. No double dealing brethen.
Beloved, if the Lord has declared this Year for signs and wonders - then I'm positive, the only reasons we may not experience signs and wonders won't be because God is not willing but because we aren't ready to appropriate the atmosphere of signs, wonders and exploits around and over us.
See what God said in Isa 46; 9 - 10. 'Remember the former things of old, for I am God, there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me (note emphasis and repetition by God to make assurance double sure). Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand and I will do ALL my pleasure'

The question therefore should be; what must we do to partake in this heavenly largesse? How do we ensure this atmosphere of signs and wonders finds expression and fulfilment in our lives this year?
1. Believe that God has spoken concerning you. Heb 11;6. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God.
2. Be expectant of signs and wonders. Prov 23; 18. What you expect you attract; and what you see, you owe.
3. Confess it repeatedly in His hearings. This year, don't keep quiet. Tell him what you want. Num 14; 28.
4. No matter the circumstances, keep the faith and refuse to accept failure. Luke 1; 37.
5. Put your expectation to work. Faith without works is death. James 2; 16 - 17.
Beloved, if you can see it, you can have it. If you see it, you can owe it and if you speak it, it shall surely manifest.
Shalom and Blessings!!!

From the Desk of
Pastor in the House

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