
Monday 14 January 2013

Rhema in Due Season (RiDs) - Monday 14th Jan 2013

Topic: The Word 'Net Promoter Score' (NPS) Club

I came across a specific verse of the word over 15 years ago. I will like us to consider this together as we allow the Holy Spirit to brood over and inspire us.

Psalm 68:11 'The Lord gave the word; great was the company of those who proclaimed it.

Just thinking about the verse, we can say that those who proclaim the word, God made them great. That is exactly the testimony David appeared to be sharing with us.

You want to excel, become great, and enlarge your territory? Then engage the Word and join the company of proclaimers.

What is 'proclaiming the Word' and how can we effectively do it in a consistent manner? Are there examples of those who proclaimed it in the past and became great? What is the definition of greatness in the context of this message?

To proclaim means to broadcast, publish, spread and disperse it abroad. You CAN only proclaim what you are confident to talk about.

Also, I found out today that there are veritable tools in our hands and around us to proclaim the word. The opportunities to employ the traditional methods (giving tracts, one-on-one witnessing, sharing your person testimony and encounter with God, demonstrating and being a living witness of the word) abound daily, and every now and then.

If you find the above methods crude and undignified, technology has just played into your hands. Today, the avenue to proclaim the word is right at your finger tips. You can prayerfully use any of them.

There is a principle called NPS - the net promoter score principle. It works simply be recommendation. You are already applying the NPS every now and then. Everything time you experienced a good service, more often than not, you freely and willing become an advocate and gleefully share the new encounter and quality of service. Why do we do that? Because we have experienced something new. You can ONLY proclaim what you have experienced.

This is what the Lord gives us freely 24/7. The Word of God is new everyday; every moment. There is a newness we experience when we study, and engage the Word with expectation. The Word is also available everywhere to access.

God gave the word but we WON'T experience it, neither are we going to proclaim it, unless we find time to engage the word and thereby contact the greatness God has reserved SPECIFICALLY for US. And if we don't, we may be denying ourselves some level of greatness in life.

Beloved, I'm sure one of your resolutions this year is to be blessed and become better than the previous year. I'm persuaded God can surpass that expectation if you become an active dweller in the word this year. 2 Tim 4: 2 amongst other things says 'be instant in season and out of season. I know there will be moments you don't feel like reading the word or proclaiming it - Bro Timothy says 'just keep at it'. Let's do it consistently this year. You can start now.

Beloved, its a New Year. The year is still very young and we can make definite adjustments now. We can trust Him to help us. He is a very present Help in the time of need.

Beloved, let's join the Lord's NPS Club and see God transform us from greatness to greatness.

Shalom and Blessings!!!

From the Desk of
Pastor in the House

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