
Friday 17 May 2013

RiDs - 26th February, 2013


He sent forth His Spirit and they were created (Ps104:30). Do you know
that your confessions are the sending forth of the Spirit causing
creation on your behalf. How do I know? For it is written "the words
that I speak, they are spirit and they are life. What are your
expectation for the new month? Do you have desires for Year 2013? (Prov
23: 18) What are you waiting for????

Gen 7: 11 - 12 'In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second
month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the
fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were
opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
WoW!!! Did you notice that? The floodgates of heaven rained from the
17th day of the 2nd month for the next 40 days and nights. The
floodgates that brought rain can equally bring forth blessings for the
next 40 days. Beloved, your fountains of blessings are about to burst
open. You only need to speak unto it.......This is your Season for an
outpouring. I encourage you to connect and speak it forth in Jesus
mighty Name.

Mal 3: 10 - Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may
be food in my house, and prove me now with this, saith the LORD of
hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a
blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Beloved, Now is your time to:
Activate that fruitfulness
Command forth that accelerated promotion
Release the overflowing joy
Trigger the recovery process now

The voice of the Lord said, let there be light and there was light. Gen
1: 3. Align yourself to the voice of the Lord. To him that is joined to
all the living, there is Hope (Eccl 9: 4)

Here we go, start to speak forth, command your expectations to

1. Prov 15:6 In my house is much treasure because I am in right standing
with God.
2. Prov 16:3 I commit my works to the Lord and my thoughts are established.
3. Prov 24:3-4 Through wisdom my house is built and by understanding it
is established and by knowledge the chambers are filled with all good
and pleasant riches.
4. Prov 28:20 I am faithful and I abound with blessings.
5. Prov 28:25 I put my trust in the Lord and I am blessed and enriched.
6. Isa 1:19 I am willing and obedient and I eat the good of the land.
7. Isa 45:2-3 God goes before me and gives me the treasures of darkness
and the hidden riches in secret places.
8. Isa 48:17 The Lord teaches me to profit and leads me in the way I
should go.
9. Isa 61:6 I eat the wealth of the nations and the glory of my captors
is now mine.
10. Isa 61:7 Instead of shame I have a 2-fold recompense. I rejoice in
my portion and in my land I possess the double. Everlasting joy is mine.
11. Jer 29:11 God has prospered me and given me hope and a future.
12. Ezek 27:33 God has enriched me with a multitude of his riches and
his merchandise.
13. Zech 8:12 For my seed is prosperous and my vine gives her fruit, my
ground her increase, the heaven her dew and God causes me to possess all
these things.
14. Isa 46; 10 All that has been decided concerning me before the
foundation of the earth, I command you to come forth and manifest.

Glory! Honour!! Majesty!!!

Let it Rain oh God - Rain of Blessings and Favour. This is our Season.
We believe. We confess. And we receive.

Shalom and Blessings!!!

From the Desk of: Pastor in The House

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