Special Faith Clinic with National overseer PASTOR J.O. OBAYEMI
Ministering: Pastor J O Obayemi
Topic: He sent forth his word.
Bible Text: Psalm 107:19-20
Opening Prayer: Father, as am in your presence today, visit me in a new way, visit my home, visit my family, visit our nation, visit our situation
Song: In thy word of God there power, in thy name of Jesus every knee shall bow....
He will send his word to you today and deliver you in Jesus name
The first thing they did when they find themselves in trouble and distress:
They didn’t begin to complain nor afraid.
They didn't put themselves into situation of hopelessness knowing fully that they have confidence and trust that there is a word for every situation.
So the cry unto the Lord
There is a word for all seasons and for every stage of our life, and as you cry unto the Lord today, he will answer you and there will a release of your expected miracle in Jesus name. Amen
There is a power behind his word that brings performance - Ecclesiastes 8:4
The word of God is quick and powerful- Hebrews 4:12
The word of God has no limitations, no obstacle can withstand it, when the word is spoken, it begins to perform what is sent for
Prayer Points
Father, by the power of your word I command, frustrate every power that is against my desting and Joy.
By the power of your word, I frustrate every power that is against my vision and dream in Jesus name.
Why is the word so powerful
God has deposited tremendous power in his word - Psalm 138:2
He magnifies his words more than his name
Whatever name situation has given to you, all is subject to the word of God - Mark 5:25
It make nobody to become somebody - Luke 5:10
Allow Jesus to come into the boat of your life
It doesn't make sense to a fisherman to become fisher of men - Acts 2:41
Prayer Points:
1. Father, every problem that has defined my life contrary to your purpose, let it encounter your word and be consume by fire in Jesus name.
2. Father, every situation that has given me a different name, give way to the word of God today in Jesus name
3. Father, by the power of your word turn every impossibilities of my life to possibilities in Jesus name.
4. Father, let your word move me to greater glory in Jesus name.
The word is unchangeable - Luke 21:33
It has power to bring to past what God has promised.
Prayer Points:
1. Father, whatever miracle you have done in the past that I need in my life today, please do it in Jesus name.
2. Father, let all your promises that you have made to me, begin to manifest now in Jesus name.
The word of God is God himself - John 1:1 Numbers 21:8-9, John 3:14-15
Prayer Points:
1. Father, by the power of your word, I command every virus that is biting and ravaging the world today be neutralized in Jesus name.
2. Father, as you lifted Jesus up, lift me up above every arrow of the wicked in Jesus name.
3. Father, as you lifted Jesus up, lift me up beyond my vision and dream in Jesus name.
The word of God is Light - Psalm 119:105,130, Genesis 1:2-3
Prayer Points:
1. Father, where there is confusion, darkness, helplessness, please shine your your light to the situation.
2.Father, You are the father of light, remove every darkness from our lives, our churches and our Nations in Jesus name.
Every problem has ear and can hear - Mark 11:23, 12-14
Every source of your problem will dry away today in Jesus name.
Prayer Points:
Father, I command every mountain (unfruitfulness, sicknesses....) in my life, move now in Jesus name
The word of God that heals, is the same that delivers - Exodus 12:12-29, Revelation 19:13, 12:11
Prayer Points:
1. Father, every evil perpetrating against me, by the blood of Jesus, I cancel them in Jesus name. Make my life a Goshen
What happened when he sent his word
1. The sick gets healing - Mathew 8:5-13
2. The bound are set free - Mathew 8:16, Mark 15
Your days of boundage is over
Mark 15 - Whatever glory you have lost, the power of the word will bring restoration in Jesus name.
3. Troubled soul will have peace - Psalm 85:8
God will remove the virus, but we must begin to fear God
The word itself is a security unto those who believed and put their trust in him - Psalm 18:30
Come back to him Job 4:4
If you need direction and fulfillment - Isaiah 30:12
John 2:4 - 5 - You cannot live in disobedient and expect the word to work for you.
Finally as a warning - Psalm 107:11-12
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