May 2020 Special Thanksgiving Service
Theme: Thank God For Calvary
Bible Text: 1:12-18
Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye
Song: Immortal God
Invisible God
Immortal God
How great Thou art.
I can assure you that the tide has already turned in the spirit realm.
The journey to normalcy has already started.
You may wonder why we should thank God at a time like this. We want to thank God for Calvary.
The greatest battle ever fought since the creation of man was fought at Calvary.
It was a battle between the forces of darkness and Light.
It seemed as if darkness won, but 3 days later, Light shone.
What We Should Thank Him For:
1. For the Blood He shed on Calvary.
Through this Blood, our sins have been washed away. 1 John 1:7
The Blood is still giving us victory over satan. Revelation 12:10-11
The Blood also gives us access to God. Hebrews 10:19-22
Everyone of us now have access to the Holiest by virtue of the Blood.
I can tell you that it is easier to see Jesus than to meet with Heads of States, because all you need do is go on your knees and call on Him.
The Blood offers protection. It draws a line that satan can't cross. Exodus 12:13.
2. The Healing Stripes of Jesus. 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:1-5.
The coming of Jesus and what He will do was prophesied by Isaiah. Isaiah 53:1-5
This prophesy did not manifest until hundreds of years later.
I came across an article that grouped all sicknesses and diseases into 39 categories.
Yet, Jesus took 40 stripes, 1 for each and one extra for any new one that is yet to be discovered. You may be wondering how as deadly as Coronavirus is, some are still standing. It is because Jesus took a stripe for diseases yet undiscovered.
3. The Name of Jesus. Philippians 2:5-11,
John 14:14. The Name has given us access to God's provision and deliverance. John 16:24
Put the Name of Jesus into action and you will see tremendous testimonies. Acts 3:1-8, Mark 16:14-18. The first time I went to Zambia, I ate something that didn't quite agree with my stomach. I went to the toilet 23 times for this.
Then I remembered what the Bible said about laying hands on the sick, I did on myself and got healed, go ahead and do the same to yourself.
4. Victory over death: Since Calvary, death has lost its sting. 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, Hebrews 2:14-15. For every child of God, death is no longer to be feared, because it doesn't have the final say over you. Every child of God can then look forward to meeting with Jesus Christ and see death as a vehicle to get there. A true child of God knows he/she is going into a wedding with the Lord Jesus Christ when leaving this earth. No need to fear death for your Husband The Lord Jesus Christ has the key of death.
You cannot die until your day comes because the Bridegroom has the keys of death.
5. You can relate with His resurrection. Romans 8:16-17, Luke 22:28-30. If you have nothing else to thank God for this morning, thank God for Calvary.
Altar Call: If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, His blood is still flowing today.
Bow before Him and cry unto Him for your salvation. Ask that the Lord will forgive you your sins and save your soul, wash you clean by His blood and give to you a new beginning.
Spend quality time praising God. Show Him your appreciation in every form possible.
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