
Saturday 12 December 2020

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon At December 2020 Holy Ghost service

December 2020 Holy Ghost Service Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye Theme: It Is Time To Fly Song: We give You all the glory We give You honour We give You all the glory We give You honour. Go ahead and praise God, bless His holy Name. He is worthy to be praised. Worship Him. Give Him glory, Honour and adoration Prophesy: Daddy says there’s someone here tonight listening to us and He wants me to tell you, your own Red Sea will part before the end of the year. Announcement: The January Holy Ghost Service is not going to be on the first Friday. It is happening on the 8th of January and the theme is a very surprising one; God bless you. Previously, I talked you about the categories of prayers. I want to talk to you about types of prayers. They are; 1. Thanksgiving Psalm 34:1 2. Worship Psalm 18:1-2, John 4:22-23 3. Supplication 1 Kings 8:46-50, It’s a prayer of begging particularly by a sinner who is begging. 4. Intercession Numbers 14:11-21, When the children of Israel offended God and God told Moses He wanted to wipe them off, and Moses interceded on their behalf. 5. Demand Matthew 6:9-11, It is our daily bread, we want it now. Give it to us. 6. Prayer of command. Isaiah 45:11 God said ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the works of my hands, command ye Me. 7. Decree. Job 22:21-28, If you satisfy certain conditions, you will decree a thing and it shall be established unto you. I hereby decree tonight that your joy will be full. 1 Kings 17:1. I decree that kind of sleep that won’t allow you to receive your full blessing tonight will not come near you at all Demand, command and decree are the three types of prayers we shall be involved in for the next one hour. We are not here to beg tonight, we are here to demand, command and decree. Whose time? You see because there could be a crowd and we have a crowd in various viewing centers in the camp and across the world. It is possible to be just one fellow in the crowd. John 5:2-9. Whose time? John 9:1-7 We are many here tonight, some people will be talking and only one fellow will pray because we need to find out from the beginning of this night you will never forget. Whose time has come? Whose time? Father, we are many here but I hereby demand, tonight must be my night. May God grant your requests. The next question is exactly when? Some miracles can take time. Some may take a year. Genesis 18:9-14. Some miracles may take a week. Joshua 6:1-20 Why wait for one week? I know You Lord, You made the heaven and the earth. Some miracles could take 24 hours. 2 Kings 7:1-11 Some miracles can’t wait. Daniel 3 When they threw the three Hebrew boys, the fire was so hot that those who threw them in were killed by the fire. If the miracle of the three Hebrew boys didn’t happen immediately, the story will be different. Mark 10:46-52 If someone near you says you’re shouting too much tonight, ask the person to relocate because a night like this comes only once in a lifetime. There will be other Congresses and other Holy Ghost Services, but there will never be one like this. Father, I know it is my time but I’m saying, it must be now. I demand attention now. Daddy says someone has been saying again and again, God make a way, He asked me to tell you, yes I will. Practical aspects of flying; 1. Physical If certain actions are delayed, someone could die. Mark 5:20-24, 35, Mark 5:25-34 The woman with the issue of blood; She didn’t beg, she forced her way into the crowd and grabbed her miracle. Mark 2:1-12 The Bible says the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violence take it by force. Father, I am flying out of sickness tonight not tomorrow. I’m getting healed tonight. I want you to prophesy to the fellow next to you, do you know I am going to wake up tomorrow completely while? 2. Material Embarrassment can come in one day but the shame can last forever. I decree for everyone of you, you will never know another financial embarrassment. The Lord asked me to tell somebody, you will laugh again. John 2:1-11 Whatever blessings God wills for you that is hanging somewhere in the future, I decree right now, it will come to now. 2 Kings 4:1-7, 1 Kings 17:10-16 The Naira was strong before. It will rise again. Those that are deliberately devaluing our Naira, before tomorrow morning, God will intervene. Father, I demand before the new year, I must have a major financial breakthrough. Anyone blocking your way to financial breakthrough shall be uprooted in the Name of Jesus. The Lord asked me to tell someone, I am your advocate, your case is already settled in heaven, it will soon be settled on earth. The Lord is saying, whatever you pursue in the coming year you will capture. 3. Maritally Genesis 29:16-30 The story of Rachel. Each time I consider her story, I marvel at her patience. Even her patience came to an end one day. She couldn’t bear children after she got married to her husband. Genesis 30:1 It wasn’t long after she said no more waiting that God answered. If you have a relative that is still waiting on God, let me hear you shout “no more waiting”. Gentleness at times can kill. And tonight, things are going to change. All my daughters who are of marriageable age, no more waiting. All my boys who are of marriageable age, you will marry next year in Jesus Name. Certain miracles should not be delayed. Father, You performed your first miracle at a wedding, I demand concerning every marital issue in my family, You must intervene tonight. Daddy says, the healing wave is flowing. Go ahead, worship God and receive your own. Daddy says there’s someone here today, early in the coming year, three major breakthroughs that you do not deserve is coming your way. 4. Spiritually Mark 5:2-19 The mad man of Gadarah. As mad as he was, something within him told him there is only one chance for restoration of your destiny. Something within him said, this is your day, don’t miss it. Matthew 15:21-28, 2 Kings 2:9-15. Elijah asked Elisha, what do you want. Elisha knew there will be no other day to get what he wanted from God. The word of God says in 1 Corinthians 12:31 When it comes to spiritual gifts, you have my permission to be covetous. For somebody, the time to fly has come. For someone, by the time this program is over, the ability to raise the dead will already be deposited in them. For someone, just to sing in the choir, the lame will walk, the blind will see. Tonight is not ordinary portion, we want double portion of your power, anointing and the ability to do mighty things. My Father, my God, I demand double portion of Your anointing, power to heal, power to raise the dead, power to set the captives free. Why do you want to fly? Why do you want to prosper mightily? Why do you want to become one of the richest people in the whole world? Is it so you can show off or so you can be popular? Why do you need the power of God? So that you can speedily reach the world before it is too late for the sinners. So that you can show them signs and wonders. Why do you want to fly spiritually? Why do you want a double portion of the anointing? So that when people are in trouble they can call. So that wherever you go, miracles will arrive. How do you become a high flier? Proverbs 13:20 If you walk with the wise, you will be wise. I want you to consider three people who practically flew; Elijah, Jesus Christ, and Phillip. I studied the three of them and they have certain things in common. All three performed miracles. I decree, from today onward, you too will be performing miracles. John 14:12 The three of them were incurable soul winners. Elijah won a whole a nation. Within three years of ministry, Jesus left behind about 500 brethren. A soul every two days. Phillip converted a whole city. You know why I keep going up and down? I want to be in their club, club of incurable soul winners. They obeyed God instantly. They became unforgettable. You want to join the club of unforgettable, there is a prize to flying, obey instructions. Whatever God asks you to do, do it. Win souls, follow them up, build churches, begin with your village. The coming year, by the grace of God, we are going to build 10,000 churches in Nigeria. You want to fly, there are some people who will forever crawl. You are not going to be one of them. They were fasters, they fasted often. We will fast next year because my daddy has told me for His children, next year is going to be a year of restoration. It is in three categories; slow and steady, fast and steady, flying. We’ll be fasting for 63 days. 21-day for slow and steady. 42-day for fast and steady. 63-day for flying. The heavens are open. Ask for anything. It is done in Jesus Name. Your testimonies will be many. For you, this is the dawn of a new beginning in Jesus Name. You’ll wonder what is the link between holy communion and anointing service? The difference between a car and an aeroplane is power, fire power. In the Name of the One who called me, from now on, your success will be without sweat. Running is good, flying is better, to be carried on eagles’ wings is the best. Tonight, you are going to get firepower. Luke 3:16 This firepower that comes through the Holy Spirit will enable you to witness throughout the whole world. When you have fire, you can set the captives free, you can change sorrow to joy. You will be untouchable to the enemy. From now on, the Devil will say Jesus I know and I know you too. I’m decreeing and so shall it be in Jesus Name. When you eat the bread, it is for strength, health and vitality. When you drink the wine, it is for fire from within. When you get anointed with the oil, it is for fire from above. God will grant your requests, and He will grant it now in Jesus Name. We want to do two things together. We want to thank God before I pronounce the final blessings. When I’m pronouncing the final blessings, raise your handkerchiefs.

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