
Saturday 10 August 2019

Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon RCCG Holy Ghost Convention || Day 5

Day Five RCCG Holy Ghost Convention 2019
Theme: And God Said
Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye
Let's lift our hands to the most High God and bless His Holy name.
Let Him know you love Him and appreciate Him.
Call him by His great name.
Magnify and adore Him!
All Powers belongs to Him!
Praise Him for He's the Ancient of days.
He was before the mountains were brought forth!
Thank You Father!
In Jesus name we worship!
Prayer: Father, open my ears that I may hear from You this very night.
Sing: I’m serving the God of miracle
I know, yes I know.
Father Almighty we bless Your name, Lots of hosts, King of Glory, The Lord strong and mighty, glory to Your holy name. Thank You for what You've done in past conventions, thanks for tonight and tomorrow.
Greet your neighbor and Say Your Excellency, Tonight is my Night
Today, God gave us additional 23 babies with a set of twins amongst them: 13 boys, 10 girls. We now have a total of 86 babies, 45 boys and 41 girls.
Announcement: The Holy Ghost service next month will be themed; LIFTED INTO GLORY
The theme for the Youth Convention in October is HIS POWER AND GLORY.
See you there!! Also our December Holy Ghost Congress this year will be themed; THE GREAT TURN AROUND.
Tonight is one of such nights that comes once in a lifetime. In the next one hour, your life will not remain the same. The Lord says I should tell someone before this night is over, He’ll touch you three times
The Lord says “as you increase your praise, He’ll increase your anointing
Don't just hear tonight. Hearken; catch the Word of God with your spirit.
Text: Genesis 1:1-3 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And 1. God said, Let there be light: and there was light. It is possible for a crowd of people to gather, God will speak and only one person would hear. Again the importance of any statement is dependent on who is speaking or making the statement. When God said let there be light, He meant let confusion end, there must be order now.
1 Corithians 14:33. Separate light from darkness. John 9:5, Matthew 5:14-16: Jesus called us the light of the world, He separated us into Himself. Tonight I'm saying to someone, darkness will leave you alone.
2. God said, Let there be light: Let Progress Begin. Exodus 10:21-23. Darkness stops Progress. When you are surrounded by darkness, you can't move, When Light comes, Motion Begins Genesis 26:12-14. I say to someone today, Your progress will be accelerated!!
3. God said, Let there be light: fruitfulness begin. Genesis 1:21-22. I decree that your emptiness ends tonight.
4. God said, Let there be light: Let joy begin Psalm 30:5. I decree from today, you shall sorrow no more. The one I probably the most under the light series is let joy begin. I decree to someone here, Sorrow ends in your Life tonight!!! Prayer Point: Father, command light into my life in the mighty name of Jesus. First time God spoke to man, He said, You are Blessed! Genesis 1:26-28. 
1. To be Blessed: It means let all the forces in Heaven and in Earth see to it that you succeed. Genesis 27:26-29
Not every soil is good soil, even Jesus affirmed so in Matthew 13:3-8. But being blessed means that even the earth will favour you. I decree in Jesus name that from now on, you'll sow on good soil. From now on everywhere you go, you’ll have helpers. The Lord ask me to tell you, the people you expected to help you didn’t show up, He’s saying I’ll show up for you
2. To be Blessed: It means you cannot be cursed of man. Numbers 23:5-11. I decree that every curse in your life will be changed to a blessing.
3. To be Blessed: It means whatever you touch will multiply Psalms 23:5. Because you’re here tonight, your joy will overflow.
Prayer: Father, Because you said I am Blessed I command Every forces in Heaven and in Earth to come to my aid Now!!! Prayer: Father, I demand Multiplication because I must begin to Overflow now!!
4. To be Blessed: It means I will protect you Isaiah 54:17 And God said no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Mark 16:17–18 No poison will have any effect on you. I decree any witch or wizard that tries to harm you they will die. Daddy says before the end of this month, you’ll sing a song and that song will be
“Jesus, You're a wonder,
Jesus, You're a wonder,
Jesus, You're a wonder,
You're a wonder to my soul.”
Daniel 3:14-30 A King got angry with God's sons and decided to heat up for and burn them alive. The fire was so hot that it burnt its feeders. But God told the fire to suspend its ability to burn. I decree anyone planning to throw you into fire, the fire will finish them. Daniel 6:1-the end. Even Daniel was thrown into the dentist of lions.
God shut the mouth of the Lions for Daniel. Prayer: Father, According to your word, Protect me and all members of my Family.
5. To be Blessed: It means I will provide for you Genesis 17:1. God said to Abraham, I am the Almighty God, the All Sufficient God.
He can provide through any Means:
1 kings 17:2-6. He provided through birds
1 kings 19:1-8 He provided through Angels
John 6:5-13 He provided through a small boy.
I don't know how God will do it, but I'm decreeing that all your needs shall be met!
Father, please, I don't want to know the method You will use or how You want to do it, just send help to me and my family urgently in Jesus name.
6. To be Blessed: It means I will promote you Isaiah 66:1 God said Heaven is my throne, the earth is my footstool. God is higher than the Highest No seat is bigger than He's own. Proverbs 21:1
God can control even the sleep of Kings. Esther 6:1-13, I decree today; anyone who can help you but doesn't want to, God will take away their sleep.
Daddy says the sun that will rise tomorrow morning will mark the beginning of your rising.
God caused Pharaoh to have two frightening dreams because Joseph had to be promoted from being a prisoner to a prime minister Genesis 41:44, I don't know who I'm talking to, any force hindering your promotion, God will give them dreams tonight.
Prayer: Father, Tonight Command my Promotion. Father, it may look as if I might never fulfill my destiny, please Lord, You have the final say, speak a Word into my life! 
7. To be Blessed: It means I have the last say Revelation 3:7, Psalm 33:11 God said, I have the Keys of David, When I open no man can shut, When I shut no man can open. If He says it, it is settled.
God said to tell you for tonight to command Him for what you want Him to do for you. Isaiah 45:11.

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