
Saturday 5 May 2018

Sermon Note May 2018 HGS Stronger Than Your Enemies 5 - Habitation Of The Almighty

Bible Text: 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Prayer Point: Father this very evening do something special in my life.

Prayer Point: Father let the killings stop so that Nigeria may live.
You are a habitation of the almighty and that why you are stronger than your enemies.
(Section 1)
When the almighty God is dwelling in you then you become a treasure, 2 Corinthians 4:7 tell us that we have this treasure in earthen vessel so that the power we begins to demonstrate will be of God and not of us, so when a fellow invite Jesus into his life that fellow become a treasure of God. Zac 2:5 say He will build a wall of fire around that person because of the treasure He has in that fellow. Why do we surround our president s and governors with so much security is because they are treasure to us and so also are we treasures of God because of what He has in us. Joshua 10:6-11 tells us how God rained bombs on their enemies because the Israelite His children were His treasure. When you are a child of God the witches in your home will not be able to come near you. Daddy declaring that if there are enemies around you right now the ground will open its mouth and swallow them up. But if you don’t have Jesus in you then you have no value and can easily be tormented by the devil. Are you a child of God or are you a treasure of God, so if you have not then it is in your own interest to choose and ask Him into your life so that you can be treasured by Him all the days of your life.

(Section 2)
When God is seated on his throne in heaven, He is in absolute control because He say in Isaiah 66:1 say Heaven is His throne and the earth is his footstool and when He stand His enemies begins to scatter Psalm 66:3 and when God begins to move the earth begins to tremble as stated in Psalm 68: 6-7. When God is passing by He distribute miracle like in Mark 10 where Bartimaeus received his sight and when God arrive at wherever He is going there will be an earthquake Act 16:35-39 I the story of Paul and Silas. So imagine what will happen when God come into place and He decide to stay put, saying this is where I will dwell and so Colossians 1:27 says “ Christ in you the hope of glory” so when God decide to reside anywhere then glory is the result. When the prince of prince is reigning there will be no trouble.
Prayer point: Father, king of glory come and dwell in me permanently and make my life your home.
Now if Jesus comes to dwell in you what does it really mean?

1. it means the great healer himself has come to dwell. Mark 5:25-34 the story of the woman with the issue of blood, John 9:1-7 when he was passing by He gave a blind man his sight back and Mark 2:1-12 He healed the man who was paralyzed from neck downward but when he resides permanently in a place or in you then the story becomes different.
Prayer point: Father, thou the Lord that heals come resides in me.

2. Christ in you means you have a resident protector, He is call the lord of host and the commander of the armies of heaven so when Christ is dwelling in you genuinely He will not only protect you but He will extend His protection to those connected to you as well.
Pray Point: Father, lord of Host coma and abide with me.

3. Christ in you means you have a resident life in you, John 11:35 (The Lord say there someone who came with a tremendous heat but now the heat is gone and also there is a woman whom the doctors told her womb is dead but now it has receive life, also for someone who has been resisted God is saying you will be great) Jesus is life and so death cannot reign where Jesus is dwelling in. 2 Kings 4:18-37 the story of the shunammite 
woman. Daddy decrees that every one of you that they say you will die, you will not die rather you will live to do the work of God.
Prayer point: Father, the resurrection and life come and dwell in me.

4. If Christ is in you it means you have resident faith – the faith that is the kind of God faith. Hebrews 12:2 say He is the author and finisher of our faith and in Mark 3 you find yourself in the category of God almighty that if you have faith then all things are possible to you and you can move mountain with it. I need that kind of faith and you need that kind of faith too, the faith that will cause God to move and that will compel God of act for you.
Prayer point: Father, that kind of faith that can move mountain, let it dwell in me.

5. If Christ is dwelling in you it means you have in you resident peace because according Isaiah 9:6 ( Daddy says I should tell someone that you are down today but you will bounce back in a bigger way) call Jesus the prince of peace and in Mark 4:35-41 Jesus being the peace himself calm the storms of life and when the prince of peace is in you will enjoy peace that passes human understanding. Daddy prays for you that the peace of God that passes all understanding will invade your heart.
Prayer point: Prince of peace come and dwell in me and stay put.
(Daddy says he hear a song and he believes somebody is about to sing that song and the song is “ I have joy like a river in my soul)

6. As long as the greater one is in you then you will be stronger than your enemies. Just like air is the Holy Spirit and so you cannot see it but you cannot deny its impact. For example an aircraft with all the loads it carries whenever it wants to land the tiers will always carry the craft because of the air in it. So also if you have the almighty dwelling in you then you can overcome any enemy that comes your way.
Prayer point: Lord Almighty, come and dwell in me so that I will overcome whatever the enemy might throw at me.

The All-sufficient God will grant your request, He will dwell in your heart, home, churches and the strength that come from with He will release to you today and you will overcomer and every attack of the enemy will bounce back to sender and all those who want you dead will be bury by you and your victory will be total because you will have joy like a river and that that kind of faith that bring anything from God, God will you give and you will have peace that passes all understanding.

Now let someone shout Halleluiah.

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